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The maximum number of form submissions has been reached. This form is currently not available.
Wedding Date
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Wedding Time
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(Select One)
Fr. TJ Dolce
Visiting Priest
Dcn. Tony Cardella
Dcn. William Lasalle
Dcn. Bob MacFarlane
Dcn. Ruben Manosalva
Dcn. Miguel Perez
Dcn. Guy Puglia
Dcn. Gary Yepsen
Dcn. Doug Reed
Fr. Zachary Muldrow
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Holy Family Chapel
Woodland Hills Chapel
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Please enter an email address.
Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
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Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
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Liturgy Details
Our wedding liturgy will be a
Nuptial Mass, with communion
Wedding Liturgy, without communion
Number of Parents/Grandparents in Procession
Please enter a number from 1-20
Please enter an integer (number).
Number of Bridesmaid in Procession
Please enter a number from 1-20
Please enter an integer (number).
Check all that apply
Flower Girl
Ring Bearer
Cantors (Cantors are to be St. Martha Staff Singers)
Male Cantor
Female Cantor
No preference
Music Selection
To assist in your selections, we have several samples available for you to hear.
Music Samples
Prelude (1st selection)
(Select One)
Air from Suite in D
Arioso (Bach)
Ave Maria - Schubert
Be Thou My Vision - Irish Folksong
Be Thou With Me (Bist du bei mir) (Bach)
Canon in D - Pachelbel
Hornpipe, Air & Trumpet Tune from Water Music Suite (Handel)
How Beautiful - Paris
Jesu, Joy of Man' Desiring (Bach) (for seating of the Family)
Movement I from Concerto in Bb (Handel)
Movement I from Concerto in F (Handel)
My Shepherd Will Supply My Need (American Fold Melody)
Sheep May Safely Graze (Bach)
Panis Angelicus - Franck
Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi - Dunlap
The Gift of Love - Hopson
The Entrance of the Queen of Sheba (Handel)
Trumpet Tune in C Major (Mandredini)
Trumpet Tune in D Major (Antonio Vivaldi)
Trumpet Tune in D Major (Telemann)
Voluntary in A Major (Wesley))
Wachet auf, ruf uns die Stimme (Wake, Awake, for the Night is Flying - Bach)
Please fill out this field.
Prelude (2nd selection)
(Select One)
Air from Suite in D
Arioso (Bach)
Ave Maria - Schubert
Be Thou My Vision - Irish Folksong
Be Thou With Me (Bist du bei mir) (Bach)
Canon in D - Pachelbel
Hornpipe, Air & Trumpet Tune from Water Music Suite (Handel)
How Beautiful - Paris
Jesu, Joy of Man' Desiring (Bach) (for seating of the Family)
Movement I from Concerto in Bb (Handel)
Movement I from Concerto in F (Handel)
My Shepherd Will Supply My Need (American Fold Melody)
Sheep May Safely Graze (Bach)
Panis Angelicus - Franck
Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi - Dunlap
The Gift of Love - Hopson
The Entrance of the Queen of Sheba (Handel)
Trumpet Tune in C Major (Mandredini)
Trumpet Tune in D Major (Antonio Vivaldi)
Trumpet Tune in D Major (Telemann)
Voluntary in A Major (Wesley))
Wachet auf, ruf uns die Stimme (Wake, Awake, for the Night is Flying - Bach)
Please fill out this field.
Prelude (3rd selection)
(Select One)
Air from Suite in D
Arioso (Bach)
Ave Maria - Schubert
Be Thou My Vision - Irish Folksong
Be Thou With Me (Bist du bei mir) (Bach)
Canon in D - Pachelbel
Hornpipe, Air & Trumpet Tune from Water Music Suite (Handel)
How Beautiful - Paris
Jesu, Joy of Man' Desiring (Bach) (for seating of the Family)
Movement I from Concerto in Bb (Handel)
Movement I from Concerto in F (Handel)
My Shepherd Will Supply My Need (American Fold Melody)
Sheep May Safely Graze (Bach)
Panis Angelicus - Franck
Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi - Dunlap
The Gift of Love - Hopson
The Entrance of the Queen of Sheba (Handel)
Trumpet Tune in C Major (Mandredini)
Trumpet Tune in D Major (Antonio Vivaldi)
Trumpet Tune in D Major (Telemann)
Voluntary in A Major (Wesley))
Wachet auf, ruf uns die Stimme (Wake, Awake, for the Night is Flying - Bach)
Please fill out this field.
Prelude (4th selection)
Air from Suite in D
Arioso (Bach)
Ave Maria - Schubert
Be Thou My Vision - Irish Folksong
Be Thou With Me (Bist du bei mir) (Bach)
Canon in D - Pachelbel
Hornpipe, Air & Trumpet Tune from Water Music Suite (Handel)
How Beautiful - Paris
Jesu, Joy of Man' Desiring (Bach) (for seating of the Family)
Movement I from Concerto in Bb (Handel)
Movement I from Concerto in F (Handel)
My Shepherd Will Supply My Need (American Fold Melody)
Sheep May Safely Graze (Bach)
Panis Angelicus - Franck
Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi - Dunlap
The Gift of Love - Hopson
The Entrance of the Queen of Sheba (Handel)
Trumpet Tune in C Major (Mandredini)
Trumpet Tune in D Major (Antonio Vivaldi)
Trumpet Tune in D Major (Telemann)
Voluntary in A Major (Wesley))
Wachet auf, ruf uns die Stimme (Wake, Awake, for the Night is Flying - Bach)
Seating of the Parents and Grandparents
(Select One)
Air from Suite in D
Arioso (Bach)
Ave Maria - Schubert
Be Thou My Vision - Irish Folksong
Be Thou With Me (Bist du bei mir) (Bach)
Canon in D - Pachelbel
Hornpipe, Air & Trumpet Tune from Water Music Suite (Handel)
How Beautiful - Paris
Jesu, Joy of Man' Desiring (Bach) (for seating of the Family)
Movement I from Concerto in Bb (Handel)
Movement I from Concerto in F (Handel)
My Shepherd Will Supply My Need (American Fold Melody)
Sheep May Safely Graze (Bach)
Panis Angelicus - Franck
Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi - Dunlap
The Gift of Love - Hopson
The Entrance of the Queen of Sheba (Handel)
Trumpet Tune in C Major (Mandredini)
Trumpet Tune in D Major (Antonio Vivaldi)
Trumpet Tune in D Major (Telemann)
Voluntary in A Major (Wesley))
Wachet auf, ruf uns die Stimme (Wake, Awake, for the Night is Flying - Bach)
Please fill out this field.
Bridal Party Procession
(Select One)
Rigaudon (Andre Campra)
Rondeau (Jean Mouret)
To Deum (Charpentier)
Trumpet Tune in D Major (Henry Purcell)
Trumpet Voluntary in D. Major - Clarke
Trumpet Voluntary in D Major - Stanley
Please fill out this field.
Entrance Antiphon
(Select One)
Rev. 12.2 - "And I saw the holy city..."
Eph.5:25-27 - "Christ loved the Church and handed Himself..."
Isaiah 62:5 - "For as a young man marries a young women, so shall your..."
John 13:34 - I give you a new commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you..."
Tob. 7:15, 8:19 - "May the God of Israel join you together, and my He be with you..."
Psalm 19:3-5 - "May the Lord send you help from the holy place..."
No preference
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Bridal Procession
(Select One)
Rigaudon (Andre Campra)
Rondeau (Jean Mouret)
To Deum (Charpentier)
Trumpet Tune in D Major (Henry Purcell)
Trumpet Voluntary in D Major -Clarke
Trumpet Voluntary in D Major - Stanley
Please fill out this field.
Responsorial Psalm
(Select One)
Psalm 33: "The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord"
Psalm 34: "Taste and See"
Psalm 128: "Blest Are Those Who Love You"
Psalm 145: "I Will Praise Your Name"
Psalm 148: "Let all praise the name of the Lord"
Please fill out this field.
The Gospel Acclamation (Alleluia Verse)
(Select One)
Everyone wo loves is begotten of God and knows God.
God is love. Let us love one another, as God has loved us.
If we love one another, God remains in us, and His love is brought to perfection by us.
May the Lord bless you from Zion, He who made both heaven and earth.
Whoever remains in love, remains in God, and God in him.
Cantor's Choice
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Offertory (Only choose an option if you are celebrating Nuptial Mass)
Adoro Te Devote (Gregorian Chant) (Instrumental)
Love Divine, All Love's Excelling
The King of Love, My Shepherd Is
What Wondrous Love
Where True Love and Charity Are Found (Ubi Caritas)
Within Your House, O God, Today
Communion (Only choose an option if you are celebrating Nuptial Mass)
Adoro Te Devote (Gregorian Chant) (Instrumental)
Love Divine, All Love's Excelling
The King of Love, My Shepherd Is
What Wondrous Love
Where True Love and Charity Are Found (Ubi Caritas)
Within Your House, O God, Today
The Recessional
(Select One)
Hornpipe and Trumpet Tune from the Water Music Suite (Handel)
La Majesté (from the Heroic Music - Telemann)
Ode to Joy (Beethoven)
Psalm XIX (Benedetto Marcello)
Rejoicing, Bourée, and Minuet from the Royal Fireworks Suite (G.F. Handel)
Toccata from Symphony V (Widor)
Trumpet Tune in C Major (Manfredini)
Trumpet Tune in D Major (Purcell)
Trumpet Tune in D Major - (Vivaldi)
Trumpet Voluntary in C (Purcell)
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Additional Notes/Requests (pending approval)
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