If you are interested in the Catholic Church, RCIA is for you!
It is a process for those who:
wish to know more about the Catholic faith, baptized and un-baptized
need to complete their sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation
have left the Church and wish to return
This process is a journey into the teachings of the Church and into the way of life of the community. Ample time will be given to answer all questions along the way. For More information: Please email [email protected] with your contact information and your preferred method of communication - email or text. Listed below are the answers to the most frequently asked questions. ------------------------------------------------- Question:What does the acronym RCIA mean? Answer: RCIA is an acronym for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. A rite is a ceremony or a process that the Church uses to deepen our senses so we may recognize God’s presence more readily. A Christian is one who believes in and follows Jesus. Initiation is the entering into a group or organization that shares a common belief or goal. In the Catholic Church this means we seek to be members of God’s family. The RCIA seeks to make us members of this family through the teaching of and experiences in the Church. We are invited into Christ’s mission as adults, who through initiation into the Church grow in maturity and knowledge, undergo conversion of heart, and become true disciples.
Question: Why is RCIA more than an adult education class on Church teachings? Answer: The sacramental nature of the Catholic Church has a much deeper meaning than can be grasped from study alone. The process includes study, prayer, discussion, experiences in the life of the community and the rites and liturgy of the Church.
Question: To participate in the full process, when would a person begin? Answer: Since RCIA is a process there is no beginning or end. A person begins at any time during the year and remains in the process as long as they feel the need to do so.
Question: When do you meet? Answer: Every Thursday in the Family Life Center. We begin at 6:30 pm with a meal and then meet from 7-9 pm. Babysitting is provided.
Question: If I attend, will I be pressured to become Catholic? Answer: No, we are not here to pressure you to become Catholic.
Question: I am baptized in another faith community. Will I be baptized again? Answer: If you were baptized with water and in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Church recognizes your baptism.
Question: I am interested in Catholicism but I don’t like to ask questions in a large group. Will I have to talk? Answer: We vary the meetings, sometimes gathering in small groups, sometimes large, sometimes one on one. You will never be forced to speak if you are uncomfortable.
Question: I am interested in the Catholic Church, but I was divorced and am now remarried. Is it possible for me to become Catholic? Answer: The Catholic Church welcomes everyone. The process will have additional steps, and someone from the parish will work with you on an individual basis.
Question: We have an infant; will he or she have to wait until I am received into the Church before he/she can be baptized? Answer: An infant does not have to wait for his parents to be baptized (or received) into the Church. The parents will need to make arrangement with the secretary in the office to sign up for Baptism class then the child may be baptized.
Question: Are there tests? Answer: No. This is a time when you will grow in your relationship with Christ. It is about relationship, not grades.
Question: I do not want to become Catholic but I would like to understand the religion of my spouse. What can I expect if I attend RCIA? Answer: Everyone is welcome. In learning more about the faith of your spouse we would hope your marriage would be strengthened.
Question: Why do I hear about adults being initiated into the sacraments of the Catholic Church at Easter and not at other times? Answer: Easter Vigil, the night before Easter Sunday, is the traditional time for welcoming adults into the Sacraments of Initiation, but it is not the only time.
Question: I am Catholic and made all my sacraments except Confirmation. Do I have to do the year round RCIA process? Answer: No, if you are a Catholic who has received the Sacraments of Baptism and First Communion, you must participate in the Adult Confirmation program. Please go to the webpage HERE for more information.