“Spending time in front of the Blessed Sacrament effects changes in our souls; spending one hour in adoration every week brings a deeper union with Christ...”
St. Teresa of Calcutta
Our Parish is truly blessed to have three Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration chapels available for us to pray and meditate in His presence.
Main Church Chapel-Open 24 hrs. (an access card is required for entry from 10pm-5am)-ONLY IF YOU HAVE A SCHEDULED HOUR
Holy Family Chapel-Open Daily 8am-8pm
Faith Formation Campus Chapel-Open Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm
We strive to have two or more adorers assigned to each hour. Additional adorers are needed throughout the day and night.
If you are interested in participating in this ministry or would like more information, please contact/text the program coordinator, Jane Doherty at (409) 656.5345 or email [email protected].
Please feel free to visit and pray in the presence of our Blessed Lord at any time knowing that He is waiting for us with joyful anticipation.
For Current Adorers:
If you are unable to find a sub to cover your assigned hour, you may contact your division leader:
12am-6:00am Martha Preston 713.542.4909
6:00am-Noon Karen Ehlig 281.813.3285
12pm-6:00pm Marie Olive 713.202.6499
6:00pm-12:00am Beth Beckham 281.435.1439