Dare to Share at the FLC
Before there was a written Gospel, word-of-mouth stories of the Lord’s work propelled Christianity out of Jerusalem. Stories not only about His life, but continuing wonders done in the lives of His people. You have such a story: A “coincidence” that wasn’t a coincidence. A moment of closeness with the Lord. A knot inexplicably undone or a sudden shaft of light in the darkness.
Dare to Share at the FLC sessions start with a potluck, followed by true personal stories of 8 minutes or less. Participants are encouraged -- but not required -- to share their own stories and be open to questions. The Lord will be there as well.
Our next session is Saturday, 1/25/25 from 5:30 p.m. till about 8 p.m.. The theme for the night is New Beginnings. Registration is not required but is helpful to us to be adequately prepared and provide us with a way to contact you if needed.